Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 5

 Mike working with the kids...
 Seems like for me almost everyday includes blood, sweat, and tears...but the blood I really wasn't hoping for.
 Rhonda helping the kids with crafts...and Mary below getting stickered

Good evening everyone. I’m (Brian) writing this at 8:45p.m. Wed. evening. You can hear the crickets in the back  ground…its great. Its so quiet here. No TV. No CNN that’s for you Julie. It is so beautiful here. But not just the country, but Hogar De Vida is the place of true beauty!! It has truly been built with and by Gods hands! By every person who has ever had a calling from God to love these children here at Hogar De Vida is what has made it what it is to day. A little of God’s grace poured out each one of these children, and the people past and present that have help Hogar De Vida flourish all these years. I have been blessed myself not only by the children, and staff, but I have been able to use the skills that God has given me to help build another building to help house extra missionaries. 
I have cried a lot in the last few days to last me a lifetime. You hold a child and see hope and you cry. You see another smiling with the biggest smile that never stops, and you cry. And most of all, you hear the stories of the faithfulness of God that has brought those here to love and take care of these blessed children of God. And you cry a whole lot more. Enough of the wet stuff I want to cry again. I truly believe that everyone should be a part of something that God has his hands all over. It helps to fill a lot of missing things in are own life.  I Miss You And Love You J. XOXO Thank you everyone who helped get me here. God Bless You All.            


  1. Your words make me so desperately want to be experience this life changing opportunity with you all, but I am glad for now to live vicariously. Thank you for ministering on behalf of those who wish they were there.

  2. What a great country I am Joe's sister Roberta. What a great gift you have all be given.

  3. Julie said...apparently I am the world's worst blogger as I've made multiple attempts to post comments and they all disappear! It's the highlight of my day to come home and read the updates and see the new pictures (today's is a personal favorite). It is evident God is at work and that the team is being blessed just as much as everyone at Hogar De Vida. Know my prayers have been with you daily. Miss you and love you too B (a/k/a ADD King of the Universe).
